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❤️‍🔥韓國直送 ❤️‍🔥 Belif aqua bomb / moisturizing bomb set 裝30+31ml

❤️‍🔥韓國直送 ❤️‍🔥 Belif aqua bomb / moisturizing bomb set 裝30+31ml

Regular price £29.50 GBP
Regular price Sale price £29.50 GBP
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❤️‍🔥韓國直送 ❤️‍🔥 Belif aqua bomb / moisturizing bomb set 裝30+31ml

💙 belif No.1 保濕炸彈面霜 💙
—— 48小時極致保濕,乾燥肌膚的救星!

✨ 產品特色:
1️⃣ 超長效保濕:48小時深層鎖水,強化肌膚屏障,令肌膚持久水潤💦!
2️⃣ 溫和配方:添加積雪草、神經醯胺及玻尿酸,敏感肌都可以安心使用🥰!
3️⃣ 輕盈透氣質地:水潤不黏膩,吸收快,肌膚即時充滿彈力💖!

🧖‍♀️ 使用方法:
🔹 取適量面霜,均勻塗抹於全臉,輕輕按摩至吸收。
🔹 乾燥肌可厚敷當晚安面膜,讓肌膚一整晚都喝飽水💧!

🔥 限時1+1優惠,買30ml即送額外31ml!立即入手,讓肌膚時刻保持水嫩透亮✨!


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Delivery arrangements

Except for those specifically listed in-stock products, most products are shipped from Japan or Asia and are expected to take approximately four weeks.

All products are shipped locally from the UK, eliminating any customs clearance or tax issues.

The local shipping fee in the UK is always £4.0, and during the promotion period, shipping is free for orders over £50.

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