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❤️‍🔥韓國直送 ❤️‍🔥Belif super knights bright toning vegan pack cleanser set 150ml+150ml 都幾大支😂

❤️‍🔥韓國直送 ❤️‍🔥Belif super knights bright toning vegan pack cleanser set 150ml+150ml 都幾大支😂

Regular price £15.80 GBP
Regular price Sale price £15.80 GBP
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Belif Super Knights Bright Toning Vegan Pack Cleanser 係 潔面+提亮 兩合一的神級清潔產品!✨ 只需一次使用,即可溫和潔淨肌膚,同時提亮膚色,讓你時刻擁有 亮白水潤 嘅透光美肌!🌟


✨ 產品特色:


1️⃣ 潔面+亮白 2合1 :同時具備深層潔淨同光澤修護功能,潔面後肌膚更光滑透亮!

2️⃣ 純素溫和配方 🌱:適合各種肌膚,低刺激、不含人工香料或動物成分,敏感肌都啱用!

3️⃣ 豐富維他命精華 🍋:含有 Multi-Vitamin Complex™,助你趕走暗沉,展現透亮光澤感!

4️⃣ 細緻泡沫 質地輕盈 🫧:細緻泡泡潔面,肌膚零負擔,清爽水潤唔繃緊!


🧖‍♀️ 使用方法:


1️⃣ 取適量潔面乳均勻塗抹於乾燥肌膚。

2️⃣ 停留 1分鐘,讓維他命成分發揮提亮效果。

3️⃣ 加水輕輕按摩起泡,然後沖洗乾淨,即可感受 清爽透亮 嘅美肌效果!✨


👩‍🔬 真實用家好評:


💬 「洗完面後,皮膚即刻有提亮效果!💡仲好水潤,完全唔繃緊!」

💬 「好鍾意佢溫和唔刺激嘅配方,敏感肌都用得安心!」


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Except for those specifically listed in-stock products, most products are shipped from Japan or Asia and are expected to take approximately four weeks.

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The local shipping fee in the UK is always £4.0, and during the promotion period, shipping is free for orders over £50.

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