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❤️‍🔥韓國直送 ❤️‍🔥BRINGGREEN Toning Vita Brightening eye patch 60片

❤️‍🔥韓國直送 ❤️‍🔥BRINGGREEN Toning Vita Brightening eye patch 60片

Regular price £18.80 GBP
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❤️‍🔥韓國直送 ❤️‍🔥BRINGGREEN Toning Vita Brightening eye patch 60片

#Kevin老師推薦|Olive Young銷量冠軍

Bring Green 維他命亮白眼膜 是解決黑眼圈及眼周暗沉的完美救星!✨👀

🔥 產品特色:

1️⃣ 擊退黑眼圈 🌓——高濃度維他命C+16種維他命成分,提亮眼周,告別疲倦雙眼!
2️⃣ 緊緻撫紋 ✨——添加腺苷,有效減少眼周細紋,重拾年輕神采。
3️⃣ 水凝服貼 💦——果凍質地緊密貼合肌膚,溫和親膚,不易滑落。
4️⃣ 保濕鎮靜 🌿——維生素B5+B12+玻尿酸,全方位為眼周補水,長效滋潤。

🧖‍♀️ 使用方法:
1. 潔面後,取出眼膜並貼於眼下區域。
2. 靜待10-15分鐘,讓精華滲透肌底。
3. 取下眼膜,輕拍眼周幫助吸收,效果更佳!


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We accept payment by UK local bank transfer, UK local debit card or credit card (Visa/MasterCard).

Everyone is welcome to use bank transfer, just select "Bank Transfer" at checkout and follow the instructions to transfer. After successfully placing an order and transferring money, please notify us via email or WhatsApp.

Delivery arrangements

Except for those specifically listed in-stock products, most products are shipped from Japan or Asia and are expected to take approximately four weeks.

All products are shipped locally from the UK, eliminating any customs clearance or tax issues.

The local shipping fee in the UK is always £4.0, and during the promotion period, shipping is free for orders over £50.

other problems

If you have any other questions, please email or Whatsapp us.

Whatsapp: +44 7436 794628